Pain in lower abdomen
What trimester are you in?
No libido at 14 weeks pregnant
How are you feeling?
No Ultrasound at 12 weeks 😭
5w 3d no symptoms
The wait between apts is so hard 😫
Is no nausea a bad sign?
Discomfort while peeing
I feel horrible
What’s been sleep like for you?
For those of you who have a boy or will soon…
Pregnancy is a mind f***
Help nausea medication
Help throwing up nonstop
when did your nausea go away?
Redbulls while pregnant??
No strong symptoms and SO worried about it!! Help!
Prenatal making me sick
Very few symptoms at 6 weeks
Does risk of miscarriage decrease after hearing heartbeat?
When did you get symptoms
Is there a heartbeat at 6 weeks?