"I talk a lot" was very funny lol
Dream & Tubbo stream thread
It's not looking good
Dream and Tubbo are gonna call on stream
I saw this post earlier and it's so true!
Hey Dream. You clearly knew the information you had about Tom’s editors wasn’t “Factually True”
Highly advise watching Tubbos Vod breaking down Dream’s Response
You can see in Dreams video, on the editting timeline, he knowingly took context away from the editting text messages that show they were not related to Tommy, at all.
Dream's response video
Dream getting ratio-ed by Jack Manifold was not on my 2025 bingo card
Hey, Hey how yall doing
Oh no…
Dream really said no fucks given
Norii negri ai Mordorului vin peste Europa
Pythons Palace
KG spune ca Romania nu are nevoie de minoritati
Update 3 la bingo
Tatal meu betiv-nationalist a votat cu CG si crede ca comunitatea de pe reddit este un grup de meduze!
De ce voteaza romanii din Diaspora cu CG
Pana la urma cine a refuzat dezbaterea la TVR?
Sa mă ierte Dumnezeu, dar Calin Georgescu este cumva... scund?
Călin Georgescu şi Elena Lasconi în aceeaşi seară (joi, 5 decembrie) la TVR. Nu e încă decis dacă vor fi separat sau împreună
Despre NATO, UE, Rusia, Putin
Sunt extrem de trist că mama îi face apologie lui CG.