What is your favorite example of Homer's refined palate?
My girlfriend was just kidnapped.
Is Otto driving this?
My water sewerage charge is double my usage charge. Is that normal?
I love this jumper but the sleeves are comically long. Is there any way I can alter them to be shorter without the crochet (?) completely unravelling?
What sub can give advice on how to alter clothing? (Not just sewing!)
Unknown, what plant type also, is it okay?
Is this plant too far gone?
Would it be out of line to ask for an x-ray to check if a foreign object is still inside me?
Would it be out of line to ask for an x-ray to check if a foreign object is still inside me, even if it seems a bit overly cautious?
I saved this Cyclamen from the reduced section of a garden centre. It was with the indoor plants and potted as an indoor plant- could it be moved outside?
AIO to these texts?
Does anyone know what this word or sentence is?
Wh…What is this….KNOTTY PINE!?!!
They are so dainty
Kyle and Zoe
Can anyone determine anything about this chair? Even just a rough era or what kind of wood
Next level sign jokes
What is going on here? I'm doing everything right, I don't understand.
Where is a nice place to go for a few days holiday in the South of England?
"Homer's Phobia" always rubbed me the wrong way
We've learned a lot from the Simpsons, but where has the show steered you wrong?
A couple nights ago I was woken up by a nightmare that my house was haunted. I've never had a dream based around this before.
Episodes that are disturbing on re-watch