PIGS men in Western Europe
Weakest French
Simple math
Barrycism needs to stop ✊️😞
Slab of sentient ham
Nothing can quench Germany's thirst for migrants. Even Vietnamese don't want to live in Germany and who can blame them
Current state of politics in Europe
Skill issue
French Camaraderie
Pro Wrestling in France - 1937
Here we go again.
Ikea is so back
We got rid of nuclear power, now we'll get rid of wind turbines too!
AfD gegen Windkraft
Getting involved with him was a mistake
My fellow Hans, Is there any chance AFD win next elections and form government ??
Sending thots and prayers for Barry
Say it with me guys "Shitler is a communist"
“Hitler was a communist” - Alice Weidel
Luigi what are you doing ??
I could not be prouder of our women
Are we being played ??
Fuck this French politician whose death led to the nation gathering to celebrate all across France
Gets trained in French military tactics --> immediately runs away
For those who are still doubting Belgium is a superior country
Hans & Pierre hands in hands against the Orange
This level of propaganda and Lies should be punishable.
Tone it down a notch, Hans