In case anyone was hoping to use water columns for instant vertical wire in bedrock.
(Modded) Renewable sand using anvil crushing
Crashing on snap placement?
Randy Pitchford revealed that Lilith is still alive
1 wide tileable compact crafter setup
Proof of Concept: Hopper-Speed output (single item type) crafter
so…just completed the campaign. story isn’t bad as folks made it seem. what did you think?
Rolls on this are looking preeeetty sweet!
When levelling up a vault card, do higher levels require more xp?
Probably my favourite set of all.
I just tuned in, and this is brand destroying.
end feels kind of small with 256 chunk render distance
DOTA 2 is a F2P game. Obligatory yearly BP post.
Why do people go into games with this attitude?
One more game before bed...
Primal Beast & Dota 7.31 Update
Didn't know this was a thing that could happen
tired of midlaners taking the ward and putting it in the wrong place
November 26 Competitive Matches
Recently bought Samson G Track Pro does not connect despite working cable
This post did not age well...
Ambiguity about the end cutscene?
A piece of artwork my friend did for me for my cake day! (13/09/19)
Could I get some help? I am very confused.