Is smoking with cracked/dry lips more risky?
Just ordered 16oz and I'm realising I ordered too much
Best smoke to date.
Shall I continue to buy bulk blends over tins as a beginner?
Cultured butter using sour cream as a starter - when is it ready to churn?
Is there any game where diplomacy is somewhat important and combat isn't just bigger number wins?
Website recommendations
Lot of heat coming through especially on relights?
UK Home Growing
Best game for multiplayer/pvp?
What should I use for storage when it comes to content creation (also, phone recommendations)?
How do I make my lobby public?
How does PVP look in this game?
How do you not feel repetitive?
Does anyone have a solution to understanding ‘counter movements’ as a leader?
Website seems to have changed and I'm not getting responses from ChatGPT?
How does a cracked wrapper affect the cigar?
Ginger bug for the first time - best container to start the second ferment in + any recipes for a drink?
25M yellow spots back of mouth and slight redness, what could this be?
Yellow spots back of mouth
Swollen lymph nodes/can feel lymph nodes in my neck area/under chin?
Smoking around people who quit smoking?
Two recruiters called about the same role, if asked, should I share or avoid sharing the details of the other recruiter?
i’m the guy who made the SP order and it came find
Has new grads’ salary expectations drastically increased?