Found in North Texas, collected over the past 8 months
Found a nice little gravel patch when walking my dog this morning
Found in North Texas suburban area. Any ideas?
Went over to my in-law’s house today and my MIL said she had something that I may be interested in taking home for my collection. I was indeed.
North Texas gravel bed. Any ideas? Slightly sticky to the touch after washing dirt and grime away.
Went to my grandfather-in-law’s house and saw this was sitting in a pot outside. He said he had no use for it and now it’s home with me!
Possible petrified wood? Found in North Texas gravel bed. Feels like a stone but can’t be too sure.
Possible petrified wood? North Texas
Any chance this could be a weathered ammonite? North Texas
Found in North Texas by my dog. Any ideas?
Found in Broken Bow, OK. Thought maybe quartz?
Found in Denton, TX gravel, any ideas?
What was an impulsive “fuck it” decision you made that changed your life for the better?
What video game do you wish you could experience again for the first time?
Avengers: Endgame Ticket Megathread
What’s the best compliment you have ever received?
The FUPA king Ethan Klein now forever immortalized in 3d printed glory
Paused at the perfect moment durng todays podcst
When/Why did you become a Mavs fan??