Map of every nation in EU4 that I have played as. I think I still got a long way to go!
Will it have a special revolution mecanic?
Best deal for a new player?
Theodoro/Gothia First time
Which is the best nation to form italy?
It should be illegal to release 2 trailers in 4 years with no release date or (real) gameplay footage.
Late game Russia missions
World map with each country as its own color
Comment to create your own nation, tell me where you want it, what color you want it to be, and I will add it. Day 1.
YOU vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.
England->Angevin run, WAIT to form Angevin til after Scotland+France Acts of Union?
Why am i the one they love to hate?
Just imagine how strong the ottomans would be if they also could have PUs.
How go get more opinion w burgundy?
I need a lot of ducats. What are your favorite ways to get quick cash?
Angevin Sisterhood of Jeanne d'Arc
What are your favourite countries to play with?
AE should become worse when you grow.
Think my games broken
Worst european border gore I have seen in a while
Byzantium > Roman Empire 1609
Best European Nations to Play?
My (24F) partner (35M) won't eat me out?
Stacking up the custom nation achievements
Truly prospering times