Why are so many horror villains hot?
Sitcom you once found funny but now you don't.
Billy Zane in ‘The Phantom’ (1996)
Who is the Hottest Male Horror Character of All Time and Why?
Does anyone else think that both The Thing movies are good?
Which pajamas should I get?
What are your Hot Takes on the RE Movies?
What happened to j- horror?
Did people just throw stuff out of car windows?
Americans that moved from one region/state to another- were you able to maintain your accent or did you adopt the local accent?
For someone who's never watched classic films, what would be your top three recommendations?
This may be a dumb question, but why did Yodas jedi robe vanish when he died and Obi-Wans did not?
What's the Most F***ed Up Movie You've Ever Seen? That One That Scarred You for Life? 😳
“Baby Smell” is actually gross
Horror books that made you put the book down?
Help. What helps with stomach pain?!
The most unrealistic thing in horror movies with children is how calm they continue to sleep after seeing an evil being in their house
What's a harsh reality that everybody needs to hear?
Racism and Bigotry
Good horror movies set in the woods? about cryptids/national parks etc.
Young Joe Biden
What author or fic would it break your heart to lose?
I love HOAs
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