What song does this for you?
Roseanne Barr tries to start beef with Eminem in awful rap song: 'Granny's going bad'
What were some commonly bought DVDs amongst millenials?
You reach into a bag and grab three randomly. What flavors are you hoping for?
21 years old and still feel like i'm a kid!
What games do you still find entertaining?
Favorite and Least Favorite Jelly Belly Flavor
Upvote Notifications - How do I turn these off?
What candy looks delicious to you but is absolutely disgusting?
What do you think it’d take for Americans to finally stand up and fight the government?
Except for MMPR, which Power Rangers group would you like to be part of and why?
If laundry could talk, what drama would it spill out?
Is locker room/open shower nudity considered okay?
Men of Reddit, how often do you find yourself sexy?
As a cis guy, I kinda wanna be a lesbian. Is this normal?
Would you rather be an extremely attractive hobo or extremely ugly billionaire?
Do your parents know the real you or are you just pretending to be who they want you to be?
What song has you like this?
All is right in the world
What have you prayed to "God" for most often in your life?
I made a shirt
Can Ghosts Fart?
Do you also watch Harry Potter every year?
What do you consider to be the best double album?
Which actors had great performances in bad or not so great movies?