No idea who made this jacket🖤but it’s awesome.
Posting regret
World Record Longest Slackline Attempt
Stress make psoriasis worse?
To those dealing with chronic fatigue, don’t be afraid to get checked out.
I am obsessed with my cat like he’s my child
I burnt my cheese plate 😭
The Vivienne’s booth at Drag Con UK 🩵
We don’t deserve animals 🥺❤️
Getting an AuDHD diagnosis in your late 30's is insane.
Help needed for Canadian with severe ME in a DV situation *TW DV*
Every seat i sat in on my journey from Europe to East Asia
The Vivienne (James Lee Williams) has passed this weekend.
Been switched to butrans patches instead of tablet
Severe ME is gross
Do you know someone who’s been murdered or murdered someone themselves?
Weekly Weigh-In Thread
Has your spouse ever embarrassed you at an appointment?
What’s the one thing your therapist said that changed your perspective the most?
BT Internet Down?
Why they are like this?
Baby stillborn at 40 weeks. Mom had diabetes.
Strangest and Most Unique Firearms Used by Mass Shooters
What color point is my baby?