Guy has creepy meltdown seeing people in public doing normal things. Blames them for being miserable in rant.
Has anyone felt grief after choosing AN?
Huligani upali u autobus i krenuli napadati putnike: Imali su pištolj i suzavac
Would you pick him or a crying baby on your flight?
Pitanje za ljude koji ozbiljno shvaćaju Facebook objave
Do natalists think life is a game where as long as you put in "honest work" you "succeed"?
In oxbow how do you have a second child?
Purrblic transport in Istanbul
Humanity is bound to go extinct eventually
Are there any countries that will be less affected ?
r/climatechange is Having a Go at r/collapse, Saying r/collapse is “Panicked” over "The Crisis Report - 99"
Elon wants WW3
Priopćenje za javnost Komisije za promicanje vjerskih prava i sloboda povodom napada na molitelje u Zagrebu
Global overheating is making the land drier and saltier. That will have profound consequences for the more that 8 billion people who currently live on this fragile planet.
I hope they do
Sukob klečavaca i prosvjednika na Trgu, intervenirala policija
So we just die without a fight?
Grimes to Elon simps: Please stop posting pictures of my children
He cannot stop meddling
Rich and infamous
I need your advice. How to embrace antinatalism when your own body is antagonising you
They won't be laughing anymore
Ministarstvo objavilo novi Protokol o sigurnosti u školama u Hrvatskoj: Pogledajte što se sve mijenja
Elon Musk... Once Again Proving He's as Sharp as a Bowling Ball
Any hope for 2025?