Should I have my wisdom tooth removed?

Hey guys!

I'm facing a decision whether to remove my wisdom tooth or not. I don't have a problem with the left side wisdom tooth which the lower tooth isn't even out of gums. The problem is with the right side lower one. The main problem is that food gets stuck in there and rots which causes me bad breath. My finger even smells bad when I rub the tooth on it. I think it's not impacted yet but the dentist did a picture on it and said that tooth can become problematic in time. Logical thing to do would be to get that tooth removed but as I read on the internet, wisdom tooth removal can change your face appearance for the worse. Dentists seem to deny that it can happen but alot of people are claiming otherwise. I choose to belive the people. Please don't come try to convince me that wisdom tooth removal can't change the appearance of your face in the long term. Should I have it removed or not? Or are there any alternatives to removal so food wouldn't get stuck there?