What can do with a bachelors in wildlide

Obviously the original plan was to become a wildlife biologist but at this point it seems impossible to move up from a technician position. My degree is a BS in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation I am looking for job options to look into that i will give me benefits and pay me a livable income. I'm really not looking to make crazy amounts of money at this point i just need to be able to survive (and my time of being able to as a tech is coming to an end)

edit: i understand becoming a biologist can be done and yes i do want to go to grad school but after constantly being told im doing everything right and still getting nowhere I need to be realistic. this is not a matter of me being discouraged I just simply cant financially keep trying so I'm curious if there is easier job to get into with my degree or if going back to school is my only option. I am willing to move basically anywhere in the U.S. too