Could Animax Ointment have caused my dog to lose his hearing?
I would like to start off by saying my dog is under very regular vet care, I'm going to call my vet tomorrow about this. I'm just nervous and was hoping for opinions before then. I am NOT looking for a diagnosis or anything, I just want to know if it's a possibility.
My 11 year old dog had a double ear infection, but it was caught early and he did a two week round of animax ointment. He had his recheck last Wednesday and his ears looked great, but starting Wednesday night I started to notice that he was sleeping extra deeply and was very surprised when I woke him up for his walk. Since then I've realized that he cannot hear a single thing except when I locked my car he heard the beep. It's a very sudden and extreme change. He is acting normal otherwise except for the sleeping very deeply.
Before he had the ear treatment he could hear a pin drop. If I move my foot even slightly in bed any time around 5am he comes flying from the living room and starts tap dancing and screaming for breakfast...that is how good he could hear up until Wednesday.
Is it possible that the Animax could have caused him to go deaf, or that his ears could be blocked by ointment? And if it can cause deafness, do you think his hearing could return after awhile?
I feel so bad for him and hope he isn't confused, but so far he seems like his normal peppy self.