Potentially new vegan here! I have Q’s

Hi guys! I’ve been focusing alot on my health lately, further I’m really interested in becoming a vegan. No doubt if I pursue this journey, you’ll see my questions rolling in once a day. Anyhow, I really like the idea of everything I eat to be from the earth and not from an animal or factory. Something of concern is the factor of sugar. I did some googling if I could eliminate sugar from my diet completely, because I don’t think I even like the taste of artificial sugar to be honest, I think I’m just addicted to candies and etc. It stated online that sugar is necessary for the body just not too much of it, does that mean I could just use fruit as a form of sugar intake instead of artificial sugar? I’d love to just drink water and eat plants! Also if you have any advice on researching how to make sure im getting the proper amount of nutrients or anything else please let me know! I’m new to this world of food 🥗