Methods Exam 2 Suggested Solutions here

Hi, I'm Rob - founder of EdAtlas. Written suggested solutions for Exam 2 here - see below - congrats on finishing all of Methods!

Predictions: My thoughts on Methods in general (add your E1 and E2 scores together to get a view):

  1. 50 raw cutoff will be 118/120 (maybe 117.5/120 gets there)
  2. 45 raw cutoff (assuming perfect sacs) will be 112-113/120, sacs if not perfect will result in a higher score needed
  3. 40 raw cutoff (will be 102-104/120)

Please note that if you see CAS commands they're our custom programs, so they won't work for your TI (i'd just disregard).

Analysis to be shared later (A+ cutoffs, what's needed for a 50, etc)
