Watching football games on TV is way better than seeing them live
This is specific to american football as I feel like it’s the worst live sport to watch in person. Starting with travel time, you first have to deal with the overwhelming bumper to bumper traffic that you have to sit through in order to even get to the stadium. Then once you get there, you have to go through the burden of circling several parking lots in hopes that you’ll find a parking spot which will almost always be a far way from the stadium. “WeLL iN tHaT cAsE, LeAvE eArLiEr sO tHaT u BeAt tHe tRaFfiC” ok then lets assume I beat the traffic and get into the stadium.
Once you find your seat and the game starts, you’re more than likely going to be sitting closer to one end of the stadium which is particularly horrible for american football. If you’re closer to one teams endzone, you basically have to stare at the jumbotron at the top once a team gets past midfield because it’s too far for you to even see what’s going on. Unlike basketball or hockey, half court isn’t 50 yards away from you so the experience isnt as annoying. My thought process is if im going to be staring at the jumbotron for most of the game anyways, wouldn’t it be better to just watch it from the comfort of my home where the broadcast will show different angles and such to make the experience better for me? And dont even get me started on if it’s a snow game or just brutally cold out there. Have no clue how people find this experience fun.