Machine Learning in Finance (FCNE30014) and other finance electives
Hello! Year 2 aspiring Finance Major here, saw this as a possible lvl 3 Finance elective in the enrolment portal and handbook but not the study planner that everyone uses. (Which is strange)
It is also a new subject only now available in 2025, I guess to replace FinTech since it no longer a subject to that is available for 2025.
Any possible insights are appreciated, if not I will try to email the coordinator 😭 but what do I even begin to ask.
Seems like such a tough subject to take especially with Derivative Securities and essentials of sustainable investing + a breadth 😭
My other options are international finance, entrepreneurial finance, algorithmic trading, street finance etc (ethics in finance, essentials in sustained investment as EoCV is already in my plan)
Any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated!!!