My transphobic cousin got a dose of Karma finally and I secretly frolic with glee when I think about it.

Back Story: (Not too much because she's very heinous and I dont want to give the bigots ideas, just the basics to paint a picture)

When I began my transition to my true self many years ago my cis gendered cousin who I will simply refer to as A, was incredibly cruel. You can imagine the kinds of things she would say or do. The kind of stuff you see trolls right wing zealots say. One thing in particular that she's done consistently all these years is say she is a Transbian. In the stupid way right wingers will say they now identify as helicopters. Full of venom and mockery and only said with malice.

One morning about a week ago I was leaving my aunts place and I heard A running out after me saying some rather revolting things and saying not to come around when her kids are there because I creep them out and as she walked out of the back door she slipped on the wet stairs and fell, Turns out she broke her hip in 2 places.

Im not usually one for taking pleasure in someone elses suffering. But the timing of it... it was like she was smited right then and there for her horrible behaviour and every time I think of it now it cheers me up. even when im in the low lows, it cheers me up.

Karma will come for all bigots in various ways, eventually. And my cousins ushered in what I hope to be a glorious year for Karma. So thank you Karma. I knew if I just waited long enough you'd find her.

Hope you all witness Karma come for your bullies and trolls also.