The hair loss is real

I know I don't have anything to say that everyone doesn't already know. I'm more here to just try to commiserate with people who would understand.

I have to make a difficult decision whether or not to continue this drug.

Some background info on me: My doctor had originally prescribed me Wegovy, insurance rejected it, doctor appealed, insurance rejected doctor's appeal. A tale as old as time. For a while there, I just figured I had no options.

Fast forward to a co-worker telling me about online compounds and where she was getting hers. My results were very fast and I was thrilled. We're talking 16 pounds in the first 2 weeks type of fast. I'm 50 and I felt better than I can remember.

I'm on 2.5 dosage, having only briefly gone up to 5 with no real difference in effect, so I just went back down to 2.5 because I'm happy with myself and the effects from it.

The main side effect I feel has been life-changing for me is, it stopped me drinking from day one. Literally from day one. It was like a miracle. It's been 150 days since my last drink and I'm so incredibly happy about that.

The hair loss is now to the point I'm getting pre-occupied and depressed about it. I'm trying different things, the biotin, eating more protein, the Bosley shampoo, the minoxidil. I know these are all wastes of time and money.

The hair just keeps shedding and shedding. I'm afraid to touch it. I haven't been to the hairdresser.

I don't expect any answers here, I know I need to make a decision.. I think I just needed a place to get this off my chest with people who can understand.

I wish you all good luck and good health on your journeys.

EDITED TO ADD: Thank you to the many helpful responses I have so quickly received. I've got some reflecting to do. Oh and yes, I am female and I should have specified that. Oops!