Kozyrev Mirrors | Time Travel and Mass Consciousness

A few weeks ago a channel called "The Why Files" did a documentary on the research on Nikolai Kozyrev and the experiments two Russian scientists performed (in the 1990's) using a piece of sheet metal bent into the form of the Fibonacci spiral and a person sits within this structure.

Apparently lots of different phenomena were reported including UFO's in the surrounding area, ESP, ability to send remote visualization messages and time alteration.

The video has garnered lots of attention and has 1.9 million views at the time of this post. I'm seeing the topic now coming up in various places and content creators making new vids about the subject along with people starting DIY projects to make this device themselves.

I see a few things going on here that I feel deserve commenting upon.

  1. Why has the time travel community been unaware of the Kozyrev Mirror experiments for so long? Is this a sort of soft disclosure?
  2. What could be the potential impact of a few hundred people successfully making their own DIY Kozyrev mirrors?
  3. We have to factor in consciousness itself. A sudden spike of attention and interest into a single topic or event is held by some to have retro-causal impact.
  4. It is my personal belief that when something has great influence on the public consciousness, the powers that be are either behind instigating that awareness or quickly swoop in to co-opt and direct that awareness if it had genuinely grass roots origins.
  5. Much like what's going on with UFO/UAP's gaining acceptability by the same media and government bodies that would ridicule any talk of such, time travel seems to floating to the surface of acceptability too.

For that which was hitherto considered the realm of magic and fantasy to become science, a critical mass of conscious people need to "believe it in" to existence in order to bypass the minds firewall of doubt.

The more people that theorize, talk about, speculate on, produce fiction about time travel, the probability curve bends further in favor of it manifesting.

With Mandela Effect, CERN, retcon, reality glitching, simulation theory, recurring movie themes and other niche subject areas pointing to time travel in some way shape or form, it would appear that this is leading somewhere...to the past?...to the future? The event horizon for time travel looks immanent.

If you could travel back in time and change one decision you made that could change the direction of your life what would it be