PS5 controller Gyro drift
I play some PC games (mainly Helldivers 2 & Valorant) with a controller. Using gyro to aim is so much fun!
Recently however my controller's gyro has some drift sometimes. I'll be aiming, move my controller in a direction, and it will sometimes slightly keep going in said direction after I stop moving the controller. I'm 99% sure it's the gyro since if I let go of trigger (which stops gyro aim) it will stop.
I can't find anything on the internet about this, all I can find is stick drift issues, but I don't have that and the word drift is flooded with only results about stick-drift.
In steam-input I can calibrate gyro, but I don't want to use steam input, since the native helldivers PS5 controller support is great, and using steam-input makes me lose out on cool features like the trigger-recoil.
I've looked into tools to configure the PS5 controller, and I found a few that can let you calibrate the sticks, which is great but nothing for gyro...
Has anyone had similar issues, or knows a fix?