What’s with the etiquette here?

Stayed here for a few days so far and have been constantly out in the city, so i’ve interacted with people here quite a bit.

I know I can’t judge yet but every time i’ve interacted with a service person they won’t even look at me in the eyes? I say ‘hello’ , ‘thank you’ and ‘have a good day’ to every single one and i don’t get any reply?

Also every time i try to bargain I get a dirty look as if i’m insulting the person to their face?

Also, I’m visibly middle eastern, female, and i’ve been polite and respectful yet all I’ve been met with is grumpy looks so far?

I realize this might sound entitled, however this is just simple etiquette and manners.

My question is that are Georgians polite to other white Georgians and this is just a race thing? Or do they just simply lack etiquette?