WAKE UP WAKE UP!! ⏰️ did you guys know about system debaser? I've been listening to the band on and off since 2010 and I was nostalgia listening to slave by design then I saw it. new single I was a skeptic at first. Like nah this is going to be an instrumental for sure. DEAD WRONG. SO DEAD WRONG I WAS LIKE A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS!!! THEY STILL GOT IT!!!! It was just as good as when I first heard them almost 15 years ago.... I hope a new album comes. I feel like with the way the world is right now a new sybreed album would fucking shake the fabric of my reality. I'd have to whip out a dictionary and learn new words again. Learn new philosophical ideas. Shit Like that! And probably tear a neck muscle doing windmills. No one asked for this but I figured I'd dump this hype here.