Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

I've had this one in my account for some years, now's a chance to hand it off to someone. This is probably a really lame giveaway since the majority of people already have this game and it's very inexpensive. But I absolutely don't need this key since I already own the game.

Comment for a chance to win. Winner will be randomly chosen on Saturday night.

Since most people own this game, try to enter only if you don't already own it in your library.

EDIT: Congratulations to /u/foxferreira64 for winning the raffle! Thanks everyone for participating. The game really is cheap to buy when it's on sale. It's only $5 for the game or $8 for the gold edition. I thought everyone would have had this in their library already. The game's great for coop. Though personally I also enjoy it in single player.