I've never seen RSI spectrum so full of negativity

As one of the few here that haven't yet earned themselves a 10 year (or permanent) ban, I thought I would check out Spectrum.

To my surprise, 90% of posts and comments are currently very negative, and seems to be outside of what dickrider_CIG and the rest of the moderator team can handle.

Perhaps we are finally seeing the lie start to crumble. I wonder if anyone will have the courage to call Chris on his bullshit at this years CitCon? will this latest controversy be enough for the investors to force out Chris? or do they have no power?

Either way, the popcorn is out, because this is truly entertaining for once.

P.S. - Finally got around to putting a detailed submission to CoffeeZilla via the paid Patreon to maybe cover the SC project, I didn't go far as calling it an outright scam, but there are certainly many shady (bordering fraudulent) elements which would be interesting to see covered.