Do customers know what they order
I was on front bar today when a lady comes storming in with a drink in her hand and I already know where this is going. She quite literally shoves the drink in my face and asks what is wrong with it, the label says a Venti Hazelnut Shaken Espresso . I look at it and just say it looks good to me, what was wrong with it in your perspective? She just tells me look at the amount of ice and i’m just like yeah it’s supposed to be that way and she does not listen she goes in a rampage and says “WELL EVERYTIME I GET IT IT DOESNT HAVE THIS MUCH ICE” I kid you not at the top of her lungs.
I tried explaining the drink to her so maybe she could opt for a latte instead if she wants something with more milk and she just continues to cut me off again and again saying how angry she is and how she only got a few sips in before it was half empty and the only thing going through my mind was “I can’t believe people get this way over coffee”
I offer her a remake and she declines insisting on a refund. So, I tell her we would be glad to give her a refund she just has to go to the front register to get it and she starts going off again how she will not and we will give it to her from the handoff plane. She eventually left her drink and did not get a refund because she stormed out. I guess my question is how could i have explained it better? Is a shaken espresso not mainly ice with shots and just a splash of milk? or am I incorrect?! Any insight would be appreciated!