Stalker 2 - Bloodsuckers

Bloodsuckers are not scary anymore. There are so goddamn MANY of them, the terror of hearing them roar has been replaced with "Shit, have far back did I quicksave so I don't have to deal with this crap?" I've seen two tear up two different full sized squads and then just keep coming. Every time I hear them roar, all I do is quixksave and just ignore the area, since they seem to respawn constantly.

Also, since when did being invisible protect them from anamolies? Because I'm smack dab in the middle of an anomaly field, and they just waltz right on in and eat me (I'm basically soft-locked) with no impediment. The fuck.

Im quite certain, OG anamolies didn't care whether you were human, mutant, or a cardboard box cutlery - if you ventured in, you'd become puree.