MOTN crying worse than bedtime!
We’ve gotten independent night sleep down with minimal tears. Even at its worst, my LO never escalated to inconsolable crying at bedtime, so I could always give it 20 minutes without intervening and by that time, she’d have put herself to sleep. We’re now down to either a minute of fussing or nothing at all!
Now I’m working on MOTN wakings and I’m traumatized. She cried for about 30 minutes last night in utter agony. When my partner finally went in she was doing that quick breathing hyperventilating thing and it took him about 15 minutes to calm her down and get her to sleep.
Is this normal? Are we supposed to just keep ignoring her until she stops?? This is awful! Is this what other people are contending with?
Send words of wisdom, advice on a better way to wean off the MOTN wakings, or anything to let me know what I’m supposed to do here!! 😭