Big crash today
I had early gondola today. Meaning we get a 15 minute head start on everyone. I’m the first one on gro ventre trail, a gentle blue groomer but a couple cat track dropoffs. I’ve been up early on the mountain 8-10x this year and always been groomer days, not much powder. So I’ve been going fast. Most people would say really fast. I’ve been watching super-g races. Doesn’t look that hard right? Balls more so than skill am I right? I can do that!
So I’m going fast and decide to launch a cat track. Launching them at IDK 40-45mph is new for me. If the racers can do it, so can I! I’m in the air, and get scared, really scared. I do what every skier does and leans back, too far back. Still in the air my skis are higher than my head. I know I’ve done f#cked up. Land on my back. You know when you’re going that fast, you don’t just stop. I probably skidded 50 yards. Thankfully I just sprained my thumb from landing on my hand.
P.S. I only do this for 3-4 runs till people show up. Absolutely can’t do this once people are around.