"It's your fault you're short"
I've been told this by my family growing up A LOT. Being told that I'm short because I slouch, or that I should be hanging on bars, or that I should play basketball, and that those things would make me taller. Well, then I started doing all those things and nothing happened. I was still always the shortest in my classes, constantly got picked on, and had to deal with people years and years younger than me routinely being taller than me just to rub the salt in the wound. And instead of being uplifted by my parents, or being given any attempt at validation, even though they're both also short, I was told "you must have been doing it wrong" or "well, you started too late, what can you expect?".
And I think I speak for all of us when I say that, unless you're at one of the extremes of height, most of us are fine with being short. As a concept in a vacuum, it's okay. Maybe there are some difficulties, but at least every bed is bigger for us and we have fewer back problems and such. Most of us actually hate the treatment that comes with being short. The mocking, the condescension, the backhanded compliments, and in cases like mine, the blame. Like we chose this.