Crohns disease is so fun

It's so Ironic because my family lives a notoriously unhealthy lifestyle, I'm the only one who's active, eats healthy, etc. Seems like as the years passes my body starts disintegrating.

First at 19 I magically became lactose intolerant. At 21ish I'd get bloated after eating. IBS was slapped on it.

Now it's crohns. No joke, google "what foods trigger crohns disease?" You'll get a massive list and you're left wondering "so what CAN I eat then?"

Meat.. all you can eat is meat.. Definitely not carbs EVEN THOUGH YOUR BODY IS FUELED BY CARBS.

Yesterday I was watching this documentary about the lone star tick and how it's been spreading with global warming. If it bites you you magically become allergic to meat. Meaning I already can't eat anything other than meat, just imagine having an allergy to meat. Wtf would I eat?

Can I just get run over already?