Partner gives pets more affection than me
I feel really silly for this but I am really jealous that my partner gives our cats waaayyy more affection in one day than I get from them in a whole month. They will pick up all the cats multiple times a day and snuggle, kiss and whisper sweet nothings to them so so sweetly. I’m lucky if I get a very short hug and peckish kiss goodbye when we both leave for work in the morning and maybe they will lay against me briefly at night and thats the extent of my physical touch from them daily.
My partner knows I’ve noticed this and just gets frustrated when I mention anything about it. Now I actually love how much they love our cats and I get that they are super cute and snuggable. Again I feel really silly for getting so jealous. But I am really touch starved in my relationship. Which I have bluntly told my partner at this point, in hopes to get them to understand. And yet they make very little to no effort to engage in snuggles, hugs or random short back rubs to help me fulfill my love language of physical touch. Let me also say we do not and will have kids. So they are not over touched. I do my best to see that all of their needs and desired in our relationship are met. They tell me they are happy in our relationship.
I guess what I’m asking here is what is the best way to bring this up as an issue for me with my partner without seeming like an crazy jealous or pushy person?
I’ll also say that I’m not a jealous partner in other ways just fyi.
Is there something to this? I just dont know what to do that wont annoy or piss my partner off when I try to bring this up to them. I’ve pretended like it doesn’t bother me for years at this point and I’m way over it.
Any advice?