My(18F) boyfriend(19M) believes that im ugly “now”, what am i supposed to do?

me(18f) and my boyfriend(19m) (long distance) have been together for almost two years now, and he has been pretty much of an a-hole these past 6-7 months, and ill explain to you exactly in what way

so ive been preparing for my medical entrance examinations because in my country you dont go through pre-med, its straight up 12th grade then boom medical entrance and med school, and in this way i can get a college near where he lives therefore making it short distance and real time, which is highly competitive, and a lot of things have happened which ranges from me and my dad getting hit by a car and almost being run over and losing our lives to my mother being diagnosed with depression and having to live with her in a different place, all while preparing for the exam.

he demanded extra attention all while i was going and i am going through a rough phase, and im unable to dedicate 7-8 hours of my time solely on him but i still try for 2-3 hours, even while having classes 5-6 hours a day and obviously i look tired, yet he keeps on calling me ugly “now” and how ik undesirable and has been treating me this way, but i keep on overthinking that apart from me having tired eyes my get up in the exact same, havent gained weight nor lost any, i look the absolute same just dark circles so if im ugly now, was i always ugly to him? he calls me a bad partner for being sick or falling sick and gets mad whenever i have to go to the hospital, confesses that he would have beaten me if i were his wife all because i have a “hideous” face and i should rather just hide.

i feel like he just hates my guts and needed a temporary distraction when he got into a relationship with me, am i overthinking about it? what can i do?

UPDATE: the whole night i couldnt really sleep (i posted this when it was 12 midnight in my country) and i finally got up at 3am, read all our old chats and realised this was nothing to keep as everyone said, i finally blocked him from all socials, everywhere and i finally let him go. i hope things get better and i can heal with the help of therapy, thankyou everyone.