So jarring to interact with high IQ people who have 100% midwit taste and sensibilities

My cousin is a majorly successful corporate girlboss who has succeeded in multiple male-dominated fields. She is much smarter and more successful than me.

This Christmas I was just so blown away by how despite her intellectual horsepower her only cultural reference points were like the most boring and dumb media and an earnest sentiment toward dumb dudebro Tucker/Rogan/Peterson talking points. Like I kept prodding to see if there was anything deeper there that maybe she wasn't voluntarily giving up but no, it was 100% genuine. She gifted me a Harlan Coben and said he's one of her all time favorite authors.

I know it sounds stupid and gay but the whole time I just kept thinking how strange it is to be that smart but be stuck just eating media slop your whole life. Yes I know I am shallow and it doesn't matter at all. Still unsettling tho