You know how you guys sometimes make jokes about “Jewish American Princesses” well, a clique of them practically saved my life.
Yes, it’s true.
When I had been mercilessly bullied, harassed, even partially stalked by some people, and nearly everyone in my school hated me. I went to a new school and met a few of these absolutely wonderful girls who became my best friends and who made me feel alive after years of feeling dead. I became friends with a Rabbi that one of them knew as well. He was fantastic as well. I don’t know where I’d be without these friends today. It’s kind of shocking, and I’ve never told them that they almost saved my life. They helped me get over my really severe ADHD and a bunch of other stuff (undiagnosed so I dunno what the illnesses really are). Absolutely amazing how my life was practically saved and I felt like I had meaning for the first time in my life. I also feel this is connected to past lives too.