Normalisation of judicial murder
Who remembers the death panels? How the """reality-based community""" scoffed and sneered at the hysterics of the bumpkins, their delusion, their non-objective, science-denying paranoia. Consider yourself fact-checked, conservatard! And yet, how wrong can we say these people really were? Wrong in detail maybe, but the spirit of their fears is without doubt a reality in Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Australia, Canada, Spain, New Zealand and now England, as of today.
How does assisted dying/MAID/euthanasia work? The GP makes the 'suggestion', no doubt in the softest language, and then the 'suggestion' is signed off by two doctors and a judge - the Troika model, direct from the red terror - and then you're free to be wheeled into the chamber to see the specialist with their needle. They're experienced. It will happen quickly, in minutes, and then the room will be readied for the next procedure. It's efficient and sterile, physically and emotionally. These people are the Josef Mengeles of today - the Chekist psychology required to execute hundreds of human beings and then pose for pensive photos in a news article is unthinkable to any morally sane person. It's obscene. It's mundane.
How do we respond? With apathy - canned responses to the latest Canadian atrocity, blasé office conversations. No one cares. No one feels it's worthwhile or important to oppose the legalisation of state killing, the culling of unproductive people who are too burdensome and expensive to be cared for any longer (and this is the real reason, the Labour MP who proposed the bill said this openly in parliament). Oh, you're ill? Have you considered dying? Think of how long it might take you to die! Think of how much a quick death will help the NHS!
Euthanasia will probably never be legalised in America because of their national character (and because under the private system the sick are valuable). Your government may kill you with foreign wars and crack cocaine and high-fructose corn syrup, but it will never murder you in the open using bureaucracy - to do so would be un-american. American elites don't cringe at taking a public moral stance as Eurocrats do, so there will always be a powerful lobby fighting these proposals into the ground every time they're suggested. This is a great positive of the American way of life that can't be disputed. In the rest of the western world, only one 'basic human right' will remain for the weak and the elderly: the right to die.
Undoubtedly this will not go unanswered - the punishment will come - but how can anyone live in the meantime, as the immense engine of impassive crime grinds into action around us? What will I say in the end, when all things are brought to account? I have never been so shocked and depressed by a political event in England before, something that last year I thought was unthinkable. And nobody cares! I feel insane, truly alone in my own country