We don't talk enough about the evangelical-Christian-to-SJW pipeline.
You've seen the type. The annoying "exvangelical" who grew up with fundie parents and is now DeCoNsTrUcTiNg and (ironically enough) preaching their woke, only-morally-acceptable-viewpoint on a platform near you. They claim some kind of weird extra-super-credibility as leftists by virtue of having "escaped conservative brainwashing," when all they're doing is leaning into their existing conditioning (that leftism is the most subversive thing they could ever adopt) and having the rebel phase they never got to have as teens.
Social science won't touch it because academics think radicalizing to even the lunatic edge of the left is an acceptable outcome / isn't radicalization at all, but social media (and now my real life too) is swarming with these types, and it's scary the rate at which fundie parents are popping out walking, talking Longhouses (they're almost uniformly women) via boomerang effect.
I would love an RS take on why these people exist and how we prevent more of them as a society.