Book-related reasons people lost your respect...

YouTube Mina Le recently posted a story with her glib "unpopular opinion" that My Brilliant Friend is "overrated." Now, I'm all for an against-the-grain analysis, but she didn't have one. She just felt the narrator was "too distant." The mushy stupidness of her opinion combined with her arrogance left a bad taste in my mouth, and I had liked her before. Of course, I consider Elena Ferrante brilliant, so there is that.

A girl I work with bonded with me over being someone who loves literature. She added me on facebook. I realized then what she meant by "literature" ... god awful romances. Literally all she reads. This is a grown woman with a masters in literature. My respect fell through the floor.

Apparently that Aquaman actor guy (I can't recall his name) tore up Amber Heard's books on set because she wasn't giving him enough attention. I may have forgotten his name, but I won't forget that. Gross and rage-inducing behavior.

Lastly, and this isn't just one person but many, many I've known, all men, who declare as if it is a mark of superiority that they don't read fiction, only non-fiction. Way to demonstrate a vast ignorance of the human purpose and potentiality of the literary arts. Actually, my husband was one of these kind of men, but luckily, he's shaped up in that department over the years of my intervention.