average UK healthcare experience

>GP is offering phone appointments only

>no way to book an appointment online

>fill in an online form to get the doctor's opinion

>”you will need to see the doctor, please call us to book an appointment"

>call GP at 8:30am

>"you are number 25 in the queue"

>hang up after 15 minutes as you're at work

>call at lunch

>"you are number 14 in the queue"

>wait on hold for 1 hour and twenty minutes

>Indian phone operator answers

>"we have no phone appointments until the end of February. If you want an appointment sooner you must call back at 8:30 and wait in the queue"

>call NHS non-emergency number

>"the current wait time is 25 minutes"

>operators cut you off after 15 minutes

>call again

>"we're not able to make diagnoses over the phone, you'll need to contact your GP"

It's so over for us