Installing Rancher Dashboard apps as code.

Rancher Version: 2.10

I've spent the downtime over Christmas automating my Rancher environment. So far i've been able to

- Terraform: Deploy node VM's on libvirt

- Ansible: Install Rancher 2.10 server on a cloud VPN with Letsencrypt

- Ansible: Install a control/etc node and 3 x worker nodes on the terraform-built VM's

(I'm not flexing here, i'm posting it to show I've done a lot of reading and research)

The last piece of the puzzle is the installation of Dashboard apps

I'd like to install as code

  • rancher-monitoring
  • rancher-longhorn
  • rancher-istio

I tried this using the URI Ansible module and found a /k8s endpoint for the API with an install URL that looked positive. I wrote some Ansible that thinks it installs the above however it installs nothing.

    - name: Install Longhorn                                                                                                                 
        url: "https://{{ rancher.api_url }}/k8s/clusters/c-m-wf2rcz44/v1/"       
        method: POST                                                                                                                         
          Authorization: "Bearer {{ rancher.api_token }}"                                                                                    
          Content-Type: "application/json"                                                                                                   
        body_format: json                                                                                                                    
          name: "longhorn"                                                                                                                   
          namespace: "longhorn-system"                                                                                                       
            # Add any specific configuration options here if needed                                                                          
            persistence.storageClass: "longhorn"  # Example option                                                                           
            catalogTemplate: "longhorn"                                                                                                      
            name: "longhorn"                                                                                                                 
            namespace: "longhorn-system"                                                                                                     
            project: "default"                                                                                                               
            targetNamespace: "longhorn-system"                                                                                               
            version: "{{ longhorn.version }}"                                                                                                
            wait: true                                                                                                                       
        status_code: 201                                                                                                                     
      register: longhorn_install_result                                                                                                      

    - name: Debug Longhorn installation result                                                                                               
        var: longhorn_install_result                                                                                                         

    - name: Install Cattle-Monitoring                                                                                                        
        url: "https://{{ rancher.api_url }}/k8s/clusters/c-m-wf2rcz44/v1/"       
        method: POST                                                                                                                         
          Authorization: "Bearer {{ rancher.api_token }}"                                                                                    
          Content-Type: "application/json"                                                                                                   
        body_format: json                                                                                                                    
          name: "cattle-monitoring"                                                                                                          
          namespace: "cattle-monitoring-system"                                                                                              
            # Add any specific configuration options here if needed                                                                          
            prometheus.persistentStorage.enabled: "{{ monitoring.persistent_storage.enabled }}"                                              
            prometheus.persistentStorage.size: "{{ monitoring.persistent_storage.size }}"                                                    
            prometheus.persistentStorage.storageClass: "{{ monitoring.persistent_storage.storage_class }}"                                   
            catalogTemplate: "rancher-monitoring"                                                                                            
            name: "rancher-monitoring"                                                                                                       
            namespace: "cattle-monitoring-system"                                                                                            
            project: "system"                                                                                                                
            targetNamespace: "cattle-monitoring-system"                                                                                      
            version: "{{ monitoring.version }}"                                                                                              
            wait: true                                                                                                                       
        status_code: 201                                                                                                                     
      register: monitoring_install_result                                                                                                    

    - name: Debug Cattle-Monitoring installation result                                                                                      
        var: monitoring_install_result    

As I'm going to link this together using a github pipeline, I figured. cancher-cli got it setup and logged in, only to find it in the latest docs..

The Rancher CLI cannot be used to install dashboard apps or Rancher feature charts.

So my question is.. How can i install the three Dashboard apps above using code?

My assumption is there must be a helm chart I could use. However, I've no idea where to start.. If someone could give me some pointers or indeed an easier way of doing this it would be really appreciated..

As with everything I do, I'll blog the whole process/code for the community once I have it working..