My daughter has the most pointless project

I could never decide what to write in this old leather bound book. I've been carrying it from house to house for years. Over the weekend we found all my daughter's stickers (we moved house recently). We were deciding what to do with them all when I suggested the leather bound book. Now my daughter has a sticker journal. I almost cried at how happy this made her.

Let me explain.

I, a cis woman, was once told off by my mother for using too many pads. Imagine being told off for something like that. As twelve year old girl (who is already confused by what's happening because Degrassi can only parent you so far) is now being told off for a natural process her body undergoes. Now, if that was my mother's stance on disposable pads- imagine her stance on everything else. I had textas I was too afraid to use. Highlighters, pencils, crayons. I once found a pencil case of crayons on the street and it was like Christmas. My own secret wind up crayons that I could use till they ran out.

Hopefully this illustrates why my daughter having something like a book purely to use stickers in would have been insane. I remember how much fun all my friends had in primary school collecting and USING their stickers. Now my daughter can to.