How bad was your shortness of breath?
So I feel like I literally can’t breathe. Even while resting Like taking a deep breath is rare. I already went to the ER twice. They refused a ct scan twice and are “100%” sure it’s not a PE because my ultrasound on my legs was clear and my oxygen is 100. I’m not having any chest pains or anything like that. Just shortness of breath. The OB dr that came to see me too at the ER said he strongly thinks I’m dealing with “pregnancy dyspnea”. He said I feel this way cause of my uterus. Cause I’m 33 weeks and ig it’s pushing my lungs and organs. He said most pregnant women deal with it and also said he’s had patients with PE and I definitely don’t look like I have it and every result is coming back reassuring. And the reason why they aren’t giving me a ct scan is cause I’ve already gotten 3 during my pregnancy. (Didn’t know I was pregnant the first time!). I just need to know if anyone else has ever dealt with shortness of breath like this before and turned out fine?