Is it wrong to pursue dating while poor?
I have a job and car. I live in a RV on my friends property for $1000/month. I could rent an actual room or something for the same price probably cheaper honestly but I like being around her and our other friends. BUT This makes me embarrassed to think of bringing any guy home. I don't want to be judged as trailer trash when that is not the case. I am also embarrassed to tell people at the age of 28 I am working at a warehouse for nearly minimum wage. Every person I've matched with, and dated, make 6 figures so this is ultra embarrassing. I feel like I have to go for the bottom of the barrel serial killer types in order to ever have love at this point. I didn't care before and would date without hesitation but my ex has instilled a lot of insecurity about finances into me. He'd call me a broke rat all the time and quite often ridicule me for being poor. So I've remained single for 2 years now since then and I've put way more effort into my life but I'm still "poor". The 2 years was a breeze, I used that space to work on myself and create closer bonds with my friends. But now i'm just downright lonely and I would like to date again, but I feel intense pressure that I need a real career first, which will take years to achieve. And I want to achieve that for sure but I don't want to wait that long to give and have LOVE.