The Carpe Diem Update, v1.2.0, 17 November
Hello everyone!
Another smaller update today, not many major additions this time around as we continue happening away at fixing currently existing things. We have opened up a balance polling channel in the main discord we plan to use semi-regularly and make new threads for them for easier feedback!
The Carpe Diem Update! v1.2.0!
- Added Critical Catches! Chances increase based on your "Species Caught" stat being higher!
- Many move and ability implementations, bug fixes, and a few other features! Full details below.
- Of course, some balance changes as usual. Full details below.
With every update, please remember to clear your browser cache (not cookies, you'll delete your run history data)!
When the update is live, beta will be down for some days while we perform maintenance. Thank you for understanding.
If anyone is interested in helping out with the wiki, drop by the #wiki-discussion channel on the discord.
We hope to follow this update up soon with a balance update, sometime in the next week or so, we will make an announcement when that time comes!
We hope you have a great week! 😊
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Major Changes
- Critical captures implemented
Minor Changes
- Enemy AI will no longer target allies with status moves
- Custom graveyard music by Firel added
- Wild Pokémon can no longer flee when using switch-out moves
- Cosmoem no longer has a level requirement for evolution (only affects wild encounters)
- Transform and Imposter no longer work with fused Pokémon to stop a number of crashes
- Starter IVs updated to 15 for new accounts and for Fresh Start
- Endless bosses on waves 50x will no longer be double battles
- Trainers can no longer use Pikachu/Eevee forms before wave 30
- Trainers can no longer use Battle Bond Greninja
- Your rival cannot have hidden abilities on their starter
Implementations and Fixes
- Forest's Curse and Trick Or Treat fully implemented
- Fairy Lock
- Future Sight and Doom Desire functionality improved
- Order Up 🍣
- Freeze Dry niche interactions implemented
- Grudge
- Upper Hand
- Mimicry
- Friend Guard
- Unburden 💨
- Wimp Out and Emergency Exit 💧
- Commander (also acts as a lure ability) 🐋
Fixes and Changes to Moves and Abilities
- Sketch crash fixed
- Bouncy Bubble heals 50% now instead of 100%
- Chloroblast and Struggle no longer recoil if move fails
- Shed Tail and Baton Pass now fail if no valid teammate
- Camouflage prioritizes terrains when considering effect
- Encore bugs with move restrictions fixed
- Rage Fist and Belch effects persist after switching out
- Telekinesis' Ground-immunity now lasts 3 turns instead of 5
- Lunar Blessing / Jungle Healing now heal freeze
- Speed Boost no longer boosts speed on switching in
- Mold Breaker now ignores Shield Dust and Aroma Veil. Plus, Minus, Beads/Sword of Ruin no longer ignorable
- Shield Dust and Aroma Veil now ignorable
- Illuminate now ignores evasion boosts
- Synchronize-Psycho Shift now has its Generation V interaction
- Dauntless Shield and Intrepid Sword, and other abilities that use the same attributes are now fixed to be once per battle (for now)
- Catching charm added
- Potions and Ethers spawn less often
- Multi-lens changed to function more like a split Parental Bond
- King's Rock no longer applies to moves that already flinch
- More localization
- Fixed sprites for Meganium, Doduo, and Torchic lines
- Improved cursor behavior for target selection in double battles
- Failed moves should now properly display a fail message
- Tooltips no longer go out of screen
- Pokémon sprite animations are now 10fps ---- Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed interaction with frenzy moves and paralysis
- Fixed some incorrect localizations
- Fixed some TM compatabilities
- Fixed bug for no EXP gain
- Own Tempo Rockruff can evolve properly now
- Fixed improper item rarity calculation for MEs
- Biome transitions use proper seeded RNG
- Fixed a bug with boss HP segments interfering with healing
- Fixed visual bug of incorrect level displayed
- Fixed crash when a newly caught Pokémon is sent into battle
- Fixed bug with Pokémon not evolving at the right time
- Fixed crash for form change Pokémon fainting
- Fixed issue with some save files not working
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Balance Changes
Another month a lot of talk, but this patch was more about more implementations and cleanups most won't see. Most of the noticeable changes (Egg Moves, Passives, etc) will be in a soon-to-be follow up update, just want to give them more time and take in feedback from the balance channels over on the discord.
Mechanics and Items
- The default IVs of the 27 Starter Pokémon (on account creation and in Fresh Start) is now up from 10 to 15
- Updated the catching formula to Generation 6+, and added Critical Catches
- Disabled at the start of a new profile, this scales off of your "Species Caught" statistic
Species Caught Multiplier Scale for Critical Catches
801 - x2.5
601-800 - x2
401-600 - x1.5
201-400 - x1
101-200 - x0.5
<100 - x0
x0 in Fresh Start
x2.5 in Daily Runs
- Added the Catching Charm
- Rogue Tier
- Weight of 4
- Stacks 3 times
- Multiplies the critical catch chance further by x2, then x2.5, then x3 for each stack
- Will not generate if your Species Caught count is too low
- Reworked Multi-Lens
- Now functions closer to Parental Bond, but splits your damage
- Stacks 2 times
- Each stack takes away 25% of the damage from the initial hit and puts it to a second hit, splitting 75/25 with 1 and 50/25/25 for 2 of them
- On the above point, this means it now no longer makes every attacker weaker. It is now the same power, meaning there is no downside besides specific cases like hitting a Stamina pokemon or into contact damage/effect abilities
- No longer works with multihit moves, but works with set damage moves in addition (with proper damage adjustment), and still functions with spread moves
- Disabled King's Rock working for moves that already have a Flinch chance
- Potions should now roll less often in the item table
- Endure Token RNG fixed, also now only endures one hit and can be bypassed with multihits
- Set Rewards in Classic now properly take item weight into account
- Boss Segments no longer block healing items inconsistently, will now always heal through
Moves and Ability Changes
- Bouncy Bubble's healing has been reduced from 100% to 50% of damage done.
- With Commander implemented, it has been added as a Lure ability
Other Changes
- Removed the possibility of your Rival generating with a Hidden Ability on the Starter, and any trainers generating with a Battle Bond Greninja
- Removed the possibility of a Partner Pikachu/Eevee on trainers before wave 30
- Endless Mode bosses on wave x50's can no longer be double battles
- Gimmighoul's Evolution counter now increases by 2 from Big Nugget, and 3 from Relic Gold
Hope you all enjoy your time, see you soon with more balance changes :)