What difficulty do you mostly enjoy playing?

I've turned somewhat of a masochist in recent years when it comes to playing games in the hardest possible difficulty. If a game gives me the option to play it in its most brutal difficulty, I won't think twice about selecting it. I don't do it to brag about my epic gamer SkilLz (that's weird) I just find more gratification doing so. Mastering a hard game, improving in real-time, and finishing it, it's just a cool feeling idk. What are y'all's play styles like?

I've turned somewhat of a masochist in recent years when it comes to playing games in the hardest possible difficulty. If a game gives me the option to play it in its most brutal difficulty, I won't think twice about selecting it. I don't do it to brag about my epic gamer SkilLz (that's weird) I just find more gratification doing so. Mastering a hard game, improving in real-time, and finishing it, it's just a cool feeling idk. What are y'all's play styles like?