What was your experience with a cleft lift / karydakis surgery?

Hi, I’ve been suffering with this awful condition for over seven years and I’m finally ready to get it cut out.

I have heard horror stories about open wound surgery, like how it tears even wider open, not being able to move around much for a long time, and basically being disabled. For closed wound, I’ve heard there’s a high reoccurrence rate.

All the hype is about the cleft lift or the karydakis procedure. I am willing to go through this. I’ve seen photos, I don’t care about the scar, I just want this thing this thing gone. It has caused me so much suffering. I feel for everyone who may have it even worse than me.

I am a 23 year old female. I live in the UK. I’m open to hearing from anyone around the world. I know that in the US there’s many specialists for this, but right now I cannot go there.

For those who had this done, what was it like ? did it heal well? are you happy you went through with it ? would you recommend it, etc.