Best way to learn for my goals?
Hello! I've been lurking on here for a while but I actually have some questions now!
I'm a complete piano beginner and I have zero musical ability with any other instruments. I love music but I've always just been a listener. I've wanted to try piano for a while and received a Roli Piano M for Christmas. I can only manage fairly basic stuff with one hand right now but I'm totally invested in it. My plan is to get another one soon to try and use both hands and if I'm still serious about it by this Christmas I'll invest in a digital piano.
I've seen a lot of hate for synthesia here- I'm currently using the synthesia setting and the colour note setting to familiarise myself with reading music (kind of). I'd like to be able to read proper sheet music by the end of the year but a the moment its tough. My plan is to gradually phase out the synthesia and move entirely to colour notes once I've developed a bit more familiarity with the keyboard and increased my speed/dexterity. Then in turn phase out the colour notes and move onto sheet music.
I guess I wanted to ask should skip all that and just brute force my way through learning traditional sheet music right now? I'm enjoying the synthesia and colour note settings while I'm familiarising myself with the keys and developing more dexterity. I found when I was trying to read proper sheet music while learning these other skills it felt overwhelming and painfully slow. But is that a mistake? Should I just tough it out?
I should also add I have no interest in being an elite pianist. This is just a hobby and something I'm doing for fun because I enjoy learning new things. I know there are a lot of people here who are very serious about music and in some cases its their livelihood. I'll never make money from playing or play in public or at events, and I'm ok with that. Its something just for me. I have a job that pays the bills already. My goal is just to become good enough that the me of today would say "wow that sounds great!".
So that being said, am I on the right track? Or should I rethink my plan?