Angry lady yelled at a special needs person at the gym so we did a bit of trollin'
This guy named Michael has Down Syndrome and he is at the gym with his father 4 days a week around the same time. He is very nice and positive. He yells encouragement and compliments to people working out. When he arrives at the gym and if he sees me, he yells very loudly, something like, "Heeeey! How are you! Glad I can see you." And if he likes my shirt, he tells me he likes it and the things he likes about it. Michael is a genuinely good person and I love seeing him when I work out.
When he's working out, he makes loud "ooooo" sounds that sound like a cow going "moooo" but without the "m" part. It is very loud especially when he is getting in the zone in his workout. If you've never seen him, you'll look up, see him lifting like a beast - and being the mature adult you are - can tell he has Down Syndrome, mind your own fucking business, and go back to your workout.
Apparently that was too hard for someone this evening.
A lady with her training group (about 5 people total) were working out next to Michael. How the gym is laid out, the aerobics/stretching area is next to the dumbbells. Still plenty of room for everyone. Michael is doing his thing, having a great workout, but is getting very loud. His father is nearby working out on the machines near the dumbbell area. One of the ladies gets annoyed and walks up to him and yells at him to keep it down.1
I know the father (we have similar jobs and talk sometimes about work). We both made eye contact and our eyes widen. We are both thinking, "WTF is wrong with her...." Michael is not hurting anyone. Almost everyone has on headphones, anyway.
Michael said, "Oookay!" very loudly. That's just him but it felt like a hilariously smartass response. haha!
Everyone gets back to their workouts. Michael obviously is just as loud as ever making those noises. Lady gets pissed, walks up to him, and literally yells at him to keep it down. Father is understandably angry, walks up to her, tries to explain to her that he's special needs and doesn't mean to be loud. They argue for a bit. I couldn't hear everything they said but the conversation ended when the father yelled EXTREMELY loudly, "HE'S R*****ED! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Everyone stops working out and looks at her. Her face turns bright red and she sulked away. Everyone goes back to their workouts.
The petty revenge part: my workout buddy and I decided that we really really needed to workout our abs so we did some situps in the stretching area. Next to their group, and grunted loudly when we got to the last few reps. They said nothing to us, though, but we still had fun.
1 While I was writing this, my workout buddy said he thinks she was angry because they were trying to record a video and his noises were ruining the recordings. Didn't think of that.. Now it makes sense why she was getting so angry. Michael probably kept ruining her takes. hehe!
Edit - I tried to upvote everyone who commented. Also, please do not praise me or my workout partner. We didn't do anything really. That's why this is in "petty revenge" instead of pro-revenge. We only did some petty noise making to piss her off. I am too much of a coward to be directly confrontational to strangers.
Sorry, not going to record Michael for useless internet points. Don't exploit special needs folks for internet clout.
For those saying this is fake, you'd think I would paint myself and my workout partner as more of heroes instead of lackluster loud grunting noises. I'm a shitty story teller for not making myself look more of a badass instead of a brat if this is fake. Wish I had some farts in the tank, though...